środa, 13 maja 2015

Natural Bigger Waves

Natural Bigger Waves

Working JB700 1.2

Working JB700 1.2
This mod gives you ability to use all the gadgets on the JB700 outside of the mission.



Copy the WorkingJB700.asi in to the game folder (you must have asi loader and ScriptHookV installed).


Spikes: Control
Eject passenger: Shift
Eject driver: (Hold)Shift
Shoot: RMB

Spikes: LS
Eject passenger: X
Eject driver: (Hold)X
Shoot: LB


Version 1.1:

- No longer aims normal weapons when shooting.
- Particle effects on guns and bursting tyres now work.
- Spikes burst rear tires now.
- INI file config with controls, ejection speed and gun type, to reload ini press Alt+Backspace.
- Fixed a few other small bugs.

Version 1.0:

- Initial release.

Nice Fly 2.5 update

Nice Fly 2.5 update

No Water + Tsunami + Atlantis Mod

Author:Script Mods

Railroad Engineer (Train mod)

Railroad Engineer (Train mod)

wtorek, 12 maja 2015

Real drift for GTA 5

Real drift for GTA 5
Authors: NGU Ghost, RUNitsAlpha

More Damage Mod
Author: Corinarh

More traffic and population for GTA 5

More traffic and population for GTA 5
Author: Lupin

Soldiers with 5 star for GTA 5

Soldiers with 5 star for GTA 5
Author:     Yorpie          

Trucking for GTA 5

Trucking for GTA 5
Author: Guadmaz

Instant Customs v1.0

Instant Customs v1.0

Instant Customs v1.0 for GTA 5. This mod allows you to improve any vehicle to the maximum possible.
You can upgrade all the parts at once or only:
- the engine, brakes, transmission, suspension and turbo
- spoiler and exhaust
- bumper, sills, frame stiffness, grille, hood, fenders, roof and xenon
- armor and bulletproof tires
Also this mod is able to repair, clean and repaint your car.

- key Numpad 9: open/close/return to the main menu window of tuning
- keys are Numpad 2 and Numpad 8: menu navigation
- key Numpad 5: select

For script modification you will need:
Script Hook V - http://www.gtavicecity.ru/gta-5/programs/60868-script-hook-v.html
Asi Loader V - http://www.gtavicecity.ru/gta-5/programs/60870-asi-loader-v.html
GTALua 1.1.0 - http://www.gtavicecity.ru/gta-5/programs/61300-gtalua-110.html

- copy the folder GTALua in the installed game directory where is located GTA5.exe.
Author: serban

czwartek, 7 maja 2015

Simply Vibrant GTAV (ReShade)

Simply Vibrant GTAV (ReShade)


Mod Menu v1.0

Mod Menu v1.0


Real Life Graphics for GTA 5

Real Life Graphics for GTA 5


Author Edahy


Realism Graphics for GTA 5

Realism Graphics for GTA 5
Author HailTrapLord

Realism Graphics for GTA 5. The modification makes the game's graphics are more vibrant, juicy, clean and interesting.

- natural and realistic color scheme;
- really Sunny weather;
- improved contrast;
- more natural skin color in humans;
- dark nights;
- do not load the system.

to download the game turn off the effects, otherwise it would be loaded for a very long time;
- if there is a loss of performance, disable FXAA in the SweetFX_settings file, which is located in the SweetFX folder.

Key Scroll Lock: activate/deactivate the graphic settings


Vehicle Cannon for GTA 5

Vehicle Cannon for GTA 5
Author flocraftMods

Vehicle Cannon for GTA 5. Tired of old-fashioned bullets? Well, from now on, using this mod, you can shoot the car-o-MobileMe!

- F11: activation/deactivation and switching

For script modifications you'll need to Script Hook V and Asi Loader V that you can download on our website.

Download Vehicle mod for GTA 5 Cannon, follow the links on this page.
Just install the file modifications to the folder with the game Grand Theft Auto V.


Realistic driving v1.2

Realistic driving v1.2


Author skyrayfox

Realistic driving v1.2 for GTA 5. A mod that allows you to manage a bunch of parameters to your car.

- the F3 key to access the function menu
- BackSpace key to close the function menu
- keys are Numpad 2 and Numpad 8: menu navigation
- Space key (when opening/closing of doors of transport key must be held): select

Control outside the function menu:
- F key: exit from the vehicle is not drowning in this engine
- the Ctrl + F: gets out of the car drowning in this engine
- the Ctrl + X (eng.): switch off the engine of the vehicle
- the Ctrl + W: activation mode "cruise control"
- the Ctrl + A (eng.): enable/disable left-turn signals
- the Ctrl + D: enable/disable right-turn signals
- the Ctrl + S: switch on/off brake
- the combination of keys Shift + S: switch on/off the emergency lights
- key +: skip a song in the radio
- the Ctrl + Z (you must be in police vehicles): the horn

Designation menu:
Toggle Engine on/off engine
Toggle Cruise - enable/disable the cruise control
Toggle Left Indicator - enable/disable left-turn signals
Toggle Right Indicator - enable/disable right-turn signals
Toggle Emergency Light - switch on/off the emergency lights
BrakeL Always On - enable/disable permanent brake
BrakeL When Stopped - enable/disable brake during Parking of transport
Toggle Interior Light - turns on/off the light in the interior
Toggle Extra Lights - enables/disables additional lighting
Toggle All Lights - on/off headlights
Open Front Left Door - open, door front left
Open Front Right Door - opening front right door
Open Back Left Door - opening rear left door
Open Back Right Door - opening rear right door
Open Hood - opening hood
Open Trunk open trunk
Open Trunk Alt - alternate opening trunk
Close All Doors, close all doors
Open Windows - clean glass doors
Close the Windows to return the glass in the door
Blip Police Siren - police horn
Radio Skip Song - skip the song in radio
Clean Vehicle - clean transport
Fix Tyres - repair tires
Fix Vehicle - to fix the transport

For modifications you'll need to Script Hook V, V and Asi Loader GTALua that you can download on our website.

Realistic driving v1.2 for GTA 5, follow the links on this page.
Just install the contents of the archive modification to the folder with the game Grand Theft Auto V.
